domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

Wedding (Casamento) or Matrimony)


The wisdom, many times secular, that cames from the pages of the Sacred Book – if appropriately interpreted its reading – is a source of precious teachings. Besides the fundamental message of the existence of a God that creates everything and of the logical inference of His majestic Power, and also of His loving and permanent activity, we can verify the notable Perfection of the Supreme Artist.

Not only the excellence of what was created but the purpose of the Creative Act and the ordinate maintenance of all the things, still reveal - with sufficiency – aspects of cause and effect in the divine work. Looking at this, seeing the prodigious fecundity of the alive species and its progressive evolution, the less subtle minds can be frightened. Not rarely they are taken of perplexity and doubts.

Let us get the attention for this point of view, fundamental in the compound plan of the Creation: the larger objective of getting the Supreme Goal. In fact, everything is ordered for the attainment of the final objective that we can summarise in the binomial – God / Man. Defined the human being, by the Creator, like His most valuable work ( conjectured in His “atemporarity” – timeless behaviour - like His own image and likeness), she represents the summit of the divine work. Everything more seems to us to rotate in turn of that goal traced for the man. Even the reproductive activity, common to all the animals, it reaches – in the “rational being” – a transcendent dimension.

In the bisexual species the union of the reproductive couple (transitory or permanent in the temporary context), it is characterised by the joining of the generating pair. To this fact, framed by the rituals and own apparatuses of each species, we called commonly, in Portuguese, “acasalamento” (coupling). Of the same root it came to us the term “casamento” to mean the union (stable) of a man and a woman. Such procedure, quite satisfactory in the material plan, results incomplete and defective for the human being.

As the Creation (and all the Divine doing) is an Act of Love, to the most important of that creative activity,God reserved a wider expression of that Love (Charitas) that define the Holy Trinity. The natural reproductive act will be lifted now to a transcendent dignity of “love”, for the “blow of the Life” (the “ruach” of the old children of Sem) The continuous evolution of the created things goes, in a progressive and orderly way, seeking the completion of the model that was established.

We reach, then, an important point of transition. The simple activity “acasaladora” not more it is enough to the new situation that appeared. Although persisting as material base doesn’t assure, however, the achievement of the foreseen objective. It is necessary, now, to transpose it to a higher level. It will be assigned to a more complete union, where the material support will be led in a conjugation of acts and values, spiritual, emotional, freely chosen, to a condition that surpass the simple “animal behaviour”.

In our society, every day more and more moved away of the divine and extremely bestialized, the basic concept of family is losing this transcendent vision. The term “CASAMENTO” (Marriage, Wedding – already exposed above), here we define – etymologically – as “ the maintenance of the procreatory couple, because the suffix “mento” implicates continuity of action.. Nowadays, this word brings a connotation strongly sexual; done soften by certain social and economical criteria that ties the “couple” (will it still be a couple?) relationship to a conventional act of personal interests.

On this explained facts, up to now, we will tray to show that the Christian focus in the practise of the “coexistence” – common to a couple – holds something larger and more sublime.

(To be continued in the module II).

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