sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2008

Wedding or Matrimony (III)


Let us penetrate the consequences of the proposed definitions; so that we can understand the depth and the largess (parodying the Apostle of the pagans) of this magnificent gift that is Matrimony.

In this reality of a Christian life, trying to serve the family, compared to the option of the “eunuchs of the faith” – the engaged couple make a choice of “sharing” , when assuming the matrimonial commitment. This choice, not less significant than the one of the celibacy , it hides an effective and fertile complementarity.

In fact, in the relationships and matrimonial “munus” it is noticed – objectively – a division of attributions, although not exclusive, that defines the husbands’ responsibilities. We would have, like this, the “Matrimony” and the “Patrimony”. By “Patrimony” (the father’s “munus”) we want to understand the range of “obligations” (or state duties) that compete to the man more directly; such the material support of the family, its guard and protection. And not only this. Still beyond, the ideal figuration of a model of virtues to support the domestic work in the children’s education. Just as priest Zezinho says in his known music: “that the man carries in the shoulders the grace of a Father”.

Concerning to “Matrimony”, as well it can be inferred, it defines – par excellence – the “munus” of the mother; of so important it comes to qualify the own Sacrament, linguistically. With effect, it is the woman’s role in this context of monogamy the most important and onerous. She is the real protagonist of an entire loving saga and full of sacrifices. She generates his son for long nine months and gives him to the "ligth" between pains and happiness; she takes care of his physical development and his integral education (especially the religious one) and maintains the reins of the domestic peacefulness.

For such aspects she becomes in the value of larger stability for a family well constituted. If a man, badly prepared for the matrimonial life, he can cause serious damages for the family; a woman to which lacks the appropriate moral and religious formation, will cause – without doubt – a catastrophe. It was not by chance that Jesus wanted and He can release a carnal genitor (although His adoptive father was considered a model of “justice”), but He didn’t spare the pure womb of the Virgin. Mary. The Mother of the Divine Grace, appears in the Gospel personifying that virtuous woman’s incarnation, mentioned in the Old Testament as the husband’s glory. She, that kept and meditated Christ’s actions in her heart, teaching learned and serving reigned.

It is like this manner that we justify the sacred union between man and woman as a true “Matrimony”. And this for the intellectual discomfort of so many “macho men” that intend to do of the man the center and the summit of every relationship. This doesn’t mean that we want – here and now – to emphasize, before that is valid, the maternal role in this relationship of the couple. For being a complementary consortium, it requests an effort of integrated actions – all of its – seeking for the unity of “only one flesh”. And this will be gotten living a pure and limpid love, purged of the precarious humans values and replete of the Love of God (Charitas). We cannot give occasion to a fallacious dichotomy man / woman (so pleased by certain prophets of the “equality” between the sexes); but to the opposite, a human duality should be proposed as in the primitive divine plan.

These considerations, here adduced, will take us, in consequence, to some behavior concepts of highest importance in the matrimonial life.

(To be finalized in module IV)

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